
Paladins game image

Very Positive

Total: 345 ThousandPositive: 294 ThousandNegative: 51.9 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Paladins is the ultimate fantasy team-based shooter experience, with over 50 customizable Champions fighting in 5v5 action across a diverse Realm of modes and maps!
AI Community game rating

78.61 %

Paladins is placed at number 78 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

34.75 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Add Pet System
It would be great to have a pet system, where we can keep a cat or dog and take care of it, it would add a new level of interaction and responsibility to the game.
Improve Graphics
The game could use a bit of improvement in its graphics, having more detailed and realistic environments would make the game more immersive.
Add Multiplayer Mode
Having a multiplayer mode would make the game more entertaining, we could play together and explore the world and its secrets.
More Interactive NPCs
It would be great if the NPCs were more interactive, they could have more dialogue options and be more responsive to our actions.
Customization Options
Having more customization options for our characters would be great, we could personalize them to our liking and make them stand out.
More Challenges and Puzzles
The game could use more challenges and puzzles to make it more engaging and rewarding.
Improved Soundtrack
The soundtrack could be improved, having more fitting and atmospheric music would make the game even more enjoyable.
More Variety in Environments
Having more variety in the environments would make the game more interesting, we could explore different biomes and discover new secrets.
Better AI
The AI could be improved, having more intelligent and responsive enemies would make the game more challenging and fun.
More Storyline Options
Having more storyline options would make the game more replayable, we could make different choices and experience different outcomes.
Improved Crafting System
The crafting system could be improved, having more recipes and options would make it more engaging and rewarding.
More Interactive Tools
Having more interactive tools would be great, we could use them to solve puzzles and overcome challenges.
Better Inventory Management
The inventory management could be improved, having a more organized and user-friendly system would make it easier to navigate.
More Creative Freedom
Having more creative freedom would be great, we could build and create our own levels and share them with others.
Improved UI
The UI could be improved, having a more intuitive and user-friendly interface would make the game more accessible and enjoyable.
Fix Server Issues
I've experienced a lot of problems with servers, including disconnections and lag. It would be great if the developers could fix these issues to provide a smoother gaming experience.
Improve Game Difficulty
As I've played the game from a young age, I've found the difficulty level to be too easy now. I think it would be beneficial to introduce more challenging levels or enemies to keep players engaged.
More Cat Interactions
It would be great if we could interact more with the cat, maybe by feeding it or playing with it. It would add a new layer of depth to the game.
More Customization
I would love to see more customization options for our characters, like different clothes or accessories. It would make the game feel more personalized.
Improved Graphics
The graphics could be improved, especially in the cutscenes. It would make the game feel more immersive.
More Challenging Enemies
The enemies could be more challenging, with different behaviors and movements. It would make the game more exciting and challenging.
More Exploration
I would love to explore more of the game's world, there could be hidden secrets and areas to discover. It would add a lot of replay value to the game.
Better Storytelling
The story could be more engaging and well-written. It would make the game more memorable and impactful.
Improve UI
I suggest improving the user interface to make it more user-friendly and intuitive, as it's currently overwhelming and hard to navigate.
Fix Audio Glitches
I recommend fixing the audio glitches that occur frequently during gameplay, as they're distracting and take away from the overall experience.
More Storyline
I'd like to see more development in the storyline, as it feels shallow and lacks depth, making it hard to become emotionally invested in the characters.
Bugs Fix
I think it would be great if the developers fixed some of the annoying bugs that are present in the game, such as the one that makes the characters appear distorted.
More Customization
I'd like to see more customization options for the players' characters, as the current options are quite limited and don't allow for much creativity.
Better Controls
I think the controls could be improved, as they feel clunky and unresponsive at times, making it hard to accurately perform certain actions.
More Realistic Graphics
I'd like to see more realistic graphics in the game, as the current ones feel cartoonish and lacking in detail.
More Challenging Levels
I think the levels could be more challenging, as they're currently too easy and don't provide much of a challenge or sense of accomplishment.
More Boss Battles
I'd like to see more boss battles in the game, as they're currently quite rare and don't provide much excitement or challenge.
More Character Development
I think the characters could be more developed, as they feel somewhat flat and lack depth or backstory.
More Variety
I'd like to see more variety in the game, such as different environments, enemies, and objectives, to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
Improve Direction
As a gamer, I think the direction of the art in this game is terrible and lacks consistency, it's really frustrating to play a game with bad graphics.
Fix Hero Breakage
My hero is broken and I hate it, as a gamer, I think the developers should fix this issue to make the game more enjoyable.
Remove Aimbot
I'm really disappointed that the game had aimbot implemented, it's not fair for other players and makes the game less enjoyable for me.
Improve Hero Creation
As a gamer, I think the developers should improve the creation of heroes, it's really frustrating to have a hero that's not well-made.
Fix Inconsistencies
The game has a lot of inconsistencies, it's really frustrating as a gamer, I think the developers should fix this issue to make the game better.
More Overwatch
I would love to see more Overwatch content, maybe more heroes or maps to keep the game fresh.
Better Sleep
The reviewer was sleeping on this game for too long, maybe a sleep timer or a reminder system to stay awake and gaming.
No Irony
Being serious about the game would improve the review, as the irony was not funny or impactful.
Fix Server Issues
I cannot play the game for a week now because of constant server issues. Fix the servers and provide a stable gaming experience.
Content Buff
Lilith is completely assassinated. Buff the content to make it more challenging and engaging for the players.
Exploit Fix
The Sign of Znak has an exploit that allows it to kill all living things. Fix the exploit and balance the gameplay accordingly.
Balance Changes
The Vory's tentaclae need to be rebalanced. They are overpowered and ruin the gameplay for others.
Coco Fix
The game's mod system is maxed out and needs to be reworked. It's causing more problems than it's worth.
Cheater Deterrent
The same cheaters keep exploiting the game. Ban them and implement a better anti-cheat system.
Patched Tester
Before releasing a patch, test it thoroughly to ensure it doesn't break the game further.
Gameplay Feedback
Provide more concrete feedback on what's being fixed or changed in each patch.
Perk Selection
Players should have more control over their perk selection, especially during character creation.
Bug Fixing
Fix the game's numerous bugs and glitches to provide a smoother gaming experience.
Game Stability
Improve the game's overall stability and performance to reduce the occurrence of crashes and freezes.
Rebalance Enemies
Rebalance the enemies in the game to make them more challenging and engaging for players.
More Content
Provide more content, such as new quests, characters, and game modes, to keep players engaged.
Exploit Prevention
Prevent exploits and hacks from ruining the game for other players.
Patch Notes
Provide detailed patch notes so players know what's being changed and why.
Game Balance
Balance the game's mechanics and systems to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.
More Content
The game lacks a lot of content, it's too short and doesn't give me the satisfaction of playing for hours.
Bugs Fixes
There are so many bugs in the game, it crashes a lot and gets frustrating to play.
Game Balance
The game is not well balanced, it's too easy or too hard, there's no challenge or thrill in it.
More Variety
The game gets too repetitive, I want more variety in the levels, enemies, and gameplay mechanics.
Improved Graphics
The graphics are not good, they're outdated and don't compare to other games in the same genre.
Better Controls
The controls are not responsive, they're laggy and unresponsive, it's hard to play smoothly.
Fix Match Crashes
As a gamer, it's frustrating to be disconnected from the match without a proper solution. I suggest developing a robust match-stabilizing mechanism to prevent such issues.
Improve Server Infrastructure
The game's current server infrastructure is unable to handle a large number of players. I recommend upgrading or expanding the server capacity to ensure a smoother gaming experience.
Add More Maps
The selection of maps is limited and repetitive. I suggest adding more diverse and creative maps to the game to keep the gameplay fresh.
Error Reporting
I should be able to report the errors I experienced during my playtime, this would help developers to identify and fix the issues, making the game more stable and enjoyable.
Stability Improvement
Developers should focus on improving the game's stability, I should be able to play multiple matches without the game crashing or freezing.
Character Selection Fix
The character selection screen seems to be causing issues, I suggest implementing a retry mechanism to resolve this problem.
Connection Troubleshooting
Add a troubleshooting section that provides solutions for common connection issues, this would help many players who are experiencing problems with matchmaking.
Game stability
I'm experiencing game crashes and freezing since a week now, it's frustrating and ruining the gameplay experience.
Fair matchmaking
The matchmaking system needs improvement, I'm getting matched with players who are way ahead of me in the game, making it unfair and boring.
Improve Server Stability
I think the server crashes are a major issue, it's frustrating when the game crashes every match because of other players' internet connection. The developers should work on improving server stability to ensure a smoother gaming experience.
Anti-Cheat Measures
It's ridiculous that cheaters can ruin the game for everyone, the developers should implement stricter anti-cheat measures to prevent this kind of behavior. This would make the game more enjoyable and fair for everyone.
Win/Lose Ratio Balancing
I think the game is unbalanced, when players are losing a lot of matches, they get frustrated and crash the game. The developers should work on balancing the win/lose ratio to prevent this kind of behavior.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Dejaré este gato aquí, para que todo el que pase pueda acariciarlo y darle me gusta y premios.       />  フ       |  _  _ l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ

  • Sentiments

    • The review is completely unrelated to the game, it's just a description of a cute cat.
    • The reviewer is showing a playful and creative side, but it doesn't contain any game-related content.
    • The review lacks any meaningful information about the game, only includes a cat picture.


Играю с 12 лет, сейчас мне уже 18. Хорошие время быстро летит... сука какого хуя выкидывает с серверов блять

  • Sentiments

    • The game is enjoyable and nostalgic for me
    • The game has a sudden disconnect from the server


Here I will leave the cat, friends who pass by can pet it and give it a thumbs up and awards       />  フ       |  _  _ l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ

  • Sentiments

    • The game is fun and enjoyable.
    • The graphics are amazing and the animations are smooth.
    • I'm loving the game's art style and soundtrack.
    • The game is a bit weird, but in a good way.
    • I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm intrigued.
    • The game is a waste of time, it's too silly.


еб**ный ахмет мехмет шоб твоя мать подорвалась к х**м так же как моя катка вылетела спустя 40 минут игры и ни**я не засчиталось, разрабы может хватит клипать говно и успокойте уже этого обос**ного арабского уе*ана

  • Sentiments

    • The game is frustratingly poor and lacks polish
    • The game's performance is poor and unstable
    • The game is poorly developed and seems unfinished
    • The game is a waste of time and money
    • The game is not enjoyable and is more likely to frustrate
    • The game lacks proper testing and has a lot of bugs
    • It's hard to find anything positive about this game
    • The game is poorly made and doesn't have much potential
    • The game is not even worth playing
    • The game is not enjoyable and is more likely to frustrate
    • It seems like the developers didn't care about making a good game
    • The game is poorly developed and seems unfinished
    • It's hard to find anything positive about this game
    • The game is poorly made and doesn't have much potential
    • The game is not even worth playing
    • The game is frustratingly poor and lacks polish


Вы внатуре поехавшие? Я всю свою игру в паладинс (с опен беты) всегда осуждал тех, кто говорит что игра мертвая, убитая, незабаланшенная и тд и тп, но сейчас вы реально с катушек что ли слетели? Неделю подряд сервера дудосят как ненормальные и ничего с этим не делается, баги не фиксятся, испытания не работают от слова совсем, читерам вообще в кайф, какой раз вижу,одних и тех же читеров, с одними и теми же никнеймами, нагибающие всю тиму. У Знака все еще существует эксплойт, который ему позволяет уничтожать всё живое, у Воры все еще тентакля через раз прожимается, а Кога всё так же наносит невероятные цифры урона просто существуя. Так вы еще и патч выкатили который зачем-то Моджи в хила превратили (ХОТЬ КТО-ТО ЭТО ПРОСИЛ?), так еще и сделали его максимальной имбой, убили Лилит полностью (опять же никто не просил). Вы совсем кукухой рехнулись там? Зачем вы это делаете? У вас там курица без головы что ли бегает и выбирает какого перса занерфить или что пофиксить/не фиксить? Это худший апдейт за почти что всё время

  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely dissatisfied with the game's current state.
    • The game's servers are unusable, and bugs are not being fixed.
    • I'm fed up with the same exploiting characters and unbalanced gameplay.
    • I think the latest update was a massive disappointment.
    • I'm frustrated with the lack of progress and immortal characters.
    • The experience is ruined by constant lag and poor server management.
    • I'm very unhappy with the direction the game is heading.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of effort from the developers.
    • The game's current state is a complete mess.
    • I'm tired of the same issues being ignored.
    • The community is split, and that's a reflection of the game's poor state.


Неделю не можем пофиксить вылеты из матча, "маленькая инди-компания" побеждена командой школьников дудосеров.

  • Sentiments

    • I'm frustrated with the game's lack of stability, as I'm unable to join matches without constant crashes.


Literally unplayable. Decided to check in after a 2.5 year break...attempted 4 matches and got kicked out to the main menu in every single one. Some of them didn't even get past character selection.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is extremely frustrating and unplayable.
    • I'm very displeased with the current state of the game.
    • After a break, I still have problems with matchmaking.

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